(412) 600-7192 roberta@robertamaz.com
Roberta Mazzarini Realtor | Pittsburgh Intro

Happy Clients

I would highly recommend her. She worked with us until we found our perfect home. She was always available and made expedient contact with us every time. Extremely knowledgeable.

- Bill Tripoli
I would recommend her any day. She was very helpful and did not show me listings that I had no interest in. She made herself available to me without question. She is also very knowledgeable.

- Leslie
Roberta was amazing. She was knowledgeable and prompt in returning our calls. She sold two houses for us and really worked miracles. My family would absolutely recommend her to anyone who wants the best agent out there.

- Jolene Carney

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Excellence in Client Service Award!

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2501 Transport St/9 Glenbury Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15234

Pittsburgh Realtor

Roberta Mazzarini, Realtor

As a wife, mother and grandmother I’ve had the pleasure, and sometimes not so pleasurable, experiences of working in many different fields; while supporting my family.  For the past 15-20 years I’ve been assisting my oldest son with his waterproofing business; which has helped me to gain invaluable experience in assessing the appearance of mold, water intrusion and bowing and cracked foundations.

As an independent licensed Realtor, working with Costa Realty LLC, I am able to offer my clients not only my years of professional real estate experience being a multi-million dollar producer but also the ability to identify problems with structural integrity and the signs of a wet basement (even when it hasn’t been raining). Having this skill can have a profound effect on whether a client makes an offer or how much of an offer a client may make.

My goal as a real estate agent is to make certain my clients are well informed whether it be as a Buyer or Seller. I am committed to building a trusting relationship by listening to your cares and concerns regarding your budget, the size of the home you need, the area you wish to live in and the steps it takes to meet all of those requirements and more. Looking to relocate and want to list your home for sale? My service is tailored to provide you with a Comparative Market Analysis allowing you to see what has sold in your area in the past 6 months as well as what’s currently on the market, the marketing strategy to be used, pricing and my commitment to your success in selling your home.

Looking for a qualified, knowledgeable, experienced, compassionate Realtor, give me a call 412-600-7192!